The ultimate 4-person team game! The goal of this flying disc game is to throw your disc towards your target, and with the help of your partner direct the flying disc into the target. To play, place the two targets 50 feet apart with the slot of each target facing inwards towards each other. Then, each team takes turns throwing the flying disc. Each team has a "thrower" and a "deflector". The thrower flings the flying disc towards the target while the deflector tries to redirect the flying disc into the target to score points. There are 4 ways to score points:
- If the flying disc is redirected by the deflector and hits any part of the target it is called a "Dinger" and worth 1 point
- If the flying disc hits any part of the target without being redirected by the thrower it is called a "Deuce" and worth 2 points.
- If the flying disc is redirected by the deflector into the opening at the top of the buck it is called a "Bucket" and worth 3 points. Finally, if the thrower can fling the flying disc directly into the slot located on the front of the target without the deflector touching the flying disc, that team will instantly win the game! The first team to reach 21 points - wins